Spiritual Analysis & Direction

Spiritual-Analysis-&-DirectionYour spiritual life is central to who you are and where you are going. Would you benefit from a spiritual companion that will accompany you on your life’s journey? Discernment, prayer and deep listening within are shared during times of spiritual direction.

Enjoy spiritual companionship and mentoring through a faith based approach. As a spiritual director, Dr. Boyd works to increase your awareness of your spiritual intelligence by working with you consistently through a process of learning how to hear and follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit within you.

  • Discover retreats in everyday life. Learn to find moments of peace while going about the ordinary routine of daily life.
  • Become familiar with God’s movement within you through prayer and reflection.
  • Come to know your deepest desires and learn to discern movements of desolation and consolation within your daily life.
  • Enhance your prayer life, and a deep sense of being loved.
  • We may include, as requested, inner healing prayer at the end of each session.
  • We provide Life in the Spirit Seminars for those that would like training in the spirit filled life.
  • Services

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